Morning Star Update
From September 19 to 23 Rev. Max Vague led a Morning Star class (the leadership training ministry to Micronesians) in Portland, OR. Rev. Gary Gardell assisted in the teaching and transportation to the classes. The class began on Sunday afternoon in the Pingelapese Church’s worship location; the National Guard Armory in Gresham, OR (a suburb of Portland). Monday, Tuesday and Thursday classes were held morning and evening in a member’s home due to different work schedules. Friday night dinner was enjoyed in a local restaurant and tests were returned and certificates of completion were presented. The textbook was Warren Wiersbe’s commentary on Colossians, Be Complete. For many church leaders in Micronesia Morning Star classes are the only biblical training they receive.
The island of Pingelap is a very small island west of Pohnpei, the main island of the state of Pohnpei. Pingelapese and Pohnpeiian languages are very similar, but not identical. Many Pingelap natives move to Pohnpei and significant numbers have come to the USA. The church in Portland has fifty to seventy-five members.
Due to Covid restrictions Morning Star classes have been impossible in the islands but God is growing the ministry in the states. Max Vague and Jeff Griffith have taught in several locations in the USA. If you would like to participate in this fulfilling kingdom work, contact either Max or Jeff and explore the possibilities.