Available Financial Assistance Underutilized


The CCCC is participating with the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Financial Health Project to offer CCCC member ministers financial assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and in regard to retirement planning for ministers.

In the spirit of “teaching a man to fish” as opposed to simply distributing assistance, part of the qualification for money to be awarded is participation in a financial health and/or money management curriculum. The courses available for pastors and church leaders are offered online and can be accessed from a CCCC specific webpage on the NAE site at: https://naefinancialhealth.org/cccc/. Course topics include:

  • God is Your Provider Personal Finances Course
    (6-week video training for individuals and couples)
  • Church Generosity Course
    (6-week interactive video training for pastor, board and church leaders to discover best practices and to grow generosity in their church.)

Other video trainings, ranging from 7 to 13 minutes, including “Bless Your Church,” “Bless Your Pastor,” and the “40-Day Generous Life Devotional” are also available.

In addition to participation in the online training, financial incentives in the form of Amazon gift cards in varying amounts are also being offered. To sign-up for full access to these resources, training courses, honorariums and grants go to: https://naefinancialhealth.org/cccc/.

If you have questions and would like to know more about what is available, contact Rev Peter Wood, Director of Conference Care at: revpwood@hotmail.com.

Turning Point in Mantorville
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