Choosing the Right Candidate in the NE Region
In this highly charged political season we notice how many things are different in this election cycle due to Covid-19. The candidates are not able to be among the people in ways they have in the past. There are no handshakes, no kissing babies, no large buffet dinners. Most interviews are being held virtually, and much of the voting will not be done in person.
It is so within the church as well. Here in New England churches in transition have held virtual candidating weekends. Interviews and sermons are happening online. Ordination councils have been held through Zoom. Services are live streamed and recorded for later viewing. The church has found it necessary to adapt to the current crisis and although it has been a challenge, the work of the Kingdom in New England has flourished in these times. In terms of transitions and new pastors being called to pulpits, the church has stepped up most decidedly and has learned new methods to seek, to interview and to call candidates.
This year in fact, despite the pandemic, seven of our CCCC churches in the region have called new pastors. In addition twelve of our New England churches are currently in transition and between pastors. As I write this, six of these churches are narrowing their choices to a final candidate. I am confident by year’s end a pastor will be called to each of these six pulpits bringing the total of newly called pastors to thirteen in this most challenging of years.
This is more evidence that when we’re in a crisis God shows up in amazing ways. God will make a way when there is no other way, and His Kingdom will reign supreme.