The Fruit of Giving to Myanmar
In 2016 a number of our VT churches contributed to travel expenses for Pastor Go Suan Thang from Yangon, Myanmar to attend the World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship meeting in Orlando, Florida. He stopped in Vermont on his way and spent a week with us visiting churches in Jericho, Franklin, Derby, East Barre and the United Christian Academy in Newport. Those who met him will remember his heart for orphans in Myanmar and the problems he had finding housing for them and a place for them to worship.
As a result of that trip to WECF, Pastor Go met Steve Gammon who felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to help him and the orphans. Steve visited Pastor Go in Yangon and has been working to raise money to purchase a home and build a worship center for Pastor Go and his orphanage.
Steve wrote last week that in April 2019 a children’s home was purchased in Yangon. An addition to the home is under construction now, the first floor of which will be an office and multi-purpose room/dining hall, and the second floor will be a meeting place for the church. The addition should be completed soon.
Pastor Go wrote, “By the grace of God and the initiative of Rev. Dr. Stephen Gammon, WECF Treasurer, we were blessed to purchase a house for our children. We are all happy for this house and comforted that we have a home and no longer have to be moved and evacuated yearly. We are praying 50 children can live in it.” Among his expression of thanks, Pastor Go also wrote, “Our thanks goes to CCCC USA Vermont Fellowship who helped with travel fares to attend Triennial Meetings in Orlando, Florida, USA, 2016.”
Praise the LORD, who wove all of the threads together to accomplish His purposes in the lives of these orphans in Myanmar. Please keep Pastor Go, the orphanage and church, the construction and the country of Myanmar in your prayers. In Pastor Go’s words, “Pray for the harvest of the LORD in Myanmar.”