Halfway There!

It is exciting to see God sharpen the vision for Regional pastors within our conference. A dream long in the making, we are seeing God continue to move us  towards the goal of four regional pastors spread out across the United States, supporting and encouraging churches and pastors for the kingdom.

As you know, our conference is encouraging a 2% Mission Challenge
for all churches within the CCCC. All churches are encouraged to consider giving 2% of their operating budget to the work of the CCCC. For some churches this is a goal to shoot for.  For some churches it is just a starting goal and they are well past it already!    

This past year, the CCCC Board  revised our Faith Vision Budget goal.  The new Vision Budget goal is now $900,000  with the goal of $700,000 coming from churches. The reason for this revised budget is we have a a more accurate understanding of funding needs for the Regional Pastors.   

Where do we stand with the Vision Budget goal?  Well, praise God, in 2018 giving from churches increased 10%. Total giving from churches was just over $350,000 dollars in 2018.  That
means we are halfway towards our Vision Budget goal!

Thank you for your giving, and may God provide the resources needed for this Regional Pastor vision for the CCCC.

The Fruit of Giving to Myanmar
Resource Sharing Still Growing