Annual Gathering Workshop/Seminars Topics
Along with the Focused Seminars, a robust schedule of workshops/seminars is also planned for the 2019 Annual Gathering next month in St Paul, MN. Speakers will address a variety of topics around the conference theme, “The Good Shepherd.” Workshop/seminar titles and presenters are listed below.
Even though the early discount has expired, Annual Gathering online REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN. It’s not too late to attend! We look forward to learning with you at our AG workshops/seminars.
Spiritually Healthy Ministry Wives: A two-part panel discussion with a prayer time hosted by Shirley Dubeau and the Women’s Ministry Committee with Karlotta Shanahan.
Church Development Roundtable: Dave Eisley and the Church Development Team of experienced church revitalizers will present an overview of the CCCC Church Development Process.
Intro to the CCCC: Nick Granitsas, Past President leads this workshop to find out where/how the CCCC originated, who we are, and why you (a church or individual) would want to join.
Providing Ministry for First Responders, Military Members, and Veterans in Your Church:
Guy Lee, a retired military chaplain shares insights on ministry to military members and their families that also apply to veterans and first responders.
When Thorns Remain In this two-part workshop, Doug Livingston, shares personal experiences and struggles with a 34-year “thorn in the flesh” and examines the lessons we learn through suffering.
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Missionaries and Their Church: Ron Dazell and Nancy Kirsch examine the deep symbiotic relationships between the local church and missionaries. Hear firsthand from one of our member churches and one of their long-standing missionaries.
Thriving Churches Then and Now: Peter Smith looks at the history of God moving in the world through His Church, and eight characteristics of these movements which the New Testament Church modeled.
Guarding Our Hearts and Minds: A Prognosis for Pastoral Peace (2 parts): Andrew Wallman says, “This workshop isn’t more work – so it could really be more aptly entitled, “reflectionshop” — a refreshing time of reflecting on the holistic health of the ministry God’s entrusted to us: from individuals to congregations.
Day of Prayer & Vision (2 parts): Jeff Griffith will share some tools for preparing, having a day of prayer & vision and writing a personalized, holistic growth plan which can be shared with your pastoral community.
You Do, I Help: Brandon Goad takes a look at how healthy pastors empower their people to do the work of the ministry, rather than doing ministry for them.
Well Being Self-Assessment: David Kimberly provides attendees with an opportunity to preview and personally assess their well-being based upon the categories outlined in Clergy Burnout by Fred Lehr.
Shepherding Healthy Worship: Experienced worship leader, Chad Negley will share some thoughts on his approach to planning worship and how that has helped him create healthy weekend experiences more frequently.
Pastors, It’s Time to Make Disciples: Jeremy Skaggs and Ron Dazell present a clear approach to making disciples, multiplying kingdom workers, and increasing Biblical relationships within your church and community.
Training a Sheep to Work the Fields: Tuvya Zaresky offers insights for mobilizing people, equipping “sheep” for outreach ministry taking the primary burden off the pastor and sharing it with the entire body.
The Shepherd’s Marriage: Craig Everett looks at setting clear boundaries and taking steps to insure harmony at home, knowing that emotionally healthy clergy marriages often lead to healthy ministries and churches.