Cornerstone Corps Update
Pomfret Congregational Church Rebuilt
On Sunday, November 20 members of the First Congregational Church of Pomfret gathered together to dedicate themselves and their new building for the Lord’s service, the proclamation of the Gospel and the spread of God’s kingdom. The new building replaces their historic, 1835 Meeting House that was destroyed by fire on December 7, 2013.
The members of the Pomfret church are grateful for the kindness and generosity of all those who participated in supporting them in purchasing seating for the new sanctuary through the Cornerstone Corps Fund.
As the picture shows, these seats were well filled for the Dedication Service as church members welcomed many from the surrounding community to join them for an inspiring service and a beautiful reception that followed in the Fellowship Hall. Rev. Terry Shanahan, Northeast Regional Minister, was on hand to share words of thanksgiving, challenge and exhortation with the congregation as he spoke from 1 Peter 2.
The congregation’s first worship service in the beautiful new facility with which God has blessed them was on October 30. In preparing for that special day, Rev. Thomas Crumb discovered that the congregation’s first official service of worship was held 301 years earlier to the day on October 30, 1715! Who could have planned something like that other than a sovereign, all wise God? To God be the glory!