Perspectives on Hope



Not long ago, as I was traveling over a major bridge not far from our office, I saw a girl [in her late teen years] sitting on the bridge fence, just moments away from hurling herself down into the canyon. Suddenly a taxi driver slammed on his brakes and jumped out of his car to pull her back to safety. Several other drivers also rushed to assist him. My heart flew through my stomach as I realized what had just happened.

I’ve seen this on television and in movies, of course. Such sights portrayed in the media have always invoked a terrible queasiness. But seeing this first-hand gave the desperation of hopeless young people right here in our capital city a very different, profoundly sad feeling. In vain I struggled to understand this girl’s near tragedy. Throwing one’s life away completely [while still ]in the late teens! Giving up on all possibilities that life has to offer! Apparently seeing no way out of personal despair, family issues, social struggles, vocational dead-ends!

It was not without much prayerful thought that in 2006 we named our new mission Hope A--- Ministries/Way of HOPE. Jesus is our HOPE for today! He is our HOPE for all our tomorrows! He is our HOPE for all eternity! Hope in our Lord and Saviour truly does not disappoint, precisely because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given us (Romans 5:5).
This is the message that the program leaders, volunteers, and Bible teachers the Lord has brought to us— are doing our best, by His grace, to share. May the Great Heart-Healer be merciful in drawing young people to Himself, whom to know aright is life eternal (John 17:3).



[Recently,] I prayed, asking God to show me someone in need of Christian care. That day I saw an elderly man near one of our malls asking for money from passers-by. So I gave him some change and went on my way. The next day I saw this same man asking for money, and I gave some change and went on my way.

grandfatherThe third day, I asked this papik (grandfather) if there was some other way I could help? He seemed shy and a bit afraid, and said that he would be thankful to have some medicine. “Yes I can get some medicine,” I replied. After bringing medicine, I asked him if there was some other way I could help? He said, still with a bit of fear in his voice, that he would be thankful to have some food. “Yes, I can bring some food,” I replied.
... More time has passed, and I have successfully been able to prepare food secretly at night in our home (my parents would not understand why I am doing this), and bring it to him. He is very thankful and says that I am his dusther (daughter), and that he has not had home-cooked food like this for ten years!

I told him that I am a believer in the Lord Jesus, and that I don’t want thanks here on earth, but rather in heaven.

Little by little I have learned more about his life. My papik was a doctor for fifty years. He has a daughter ..., and grandchildren, but they have no interest in him. They have not contacted him for twenty years. I am tempted to try and contact them. He does not want this, so instead I am pleased to help care for him and encourage him in our faith.

He is sure that it was not by accident that I walked by him and came back to ask about his needs. He says that before he didn’t have much interest in living, especially after his wife passed away, but now he has tasted Christian care and has new reasons to live.

I am sure that God truly answers prayer when we ask Him to open doors to share.

The Perfect Bible Reading Plan
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