The New Year

John Kimball, Director of Church Development

January is an interesting month. For many it’s a time of reflection – especially around New Year’s Day – considering life over the past 12 months. For others it’s a time of resolution – making decisions for critical change over the next 12 months. And for still others, it’s a time of review – assessing goals and objectives to see if life is on target with their ongoing plans.

Churches tend to fall into these same patterns as well. There are churches who reflect mostly on their past and how things have changed around them, there are those who focus primarily on the future and their plans and desires, and then there are those who are in a kingdom-intentional process of carefully evaluating their progress, celebrating accomplishments and adjusting where things have not gone as planned so they can stay on course.

The Church Development ministry of the CCCC is tailored to help churches to discern and develop kingdom-intentionality.

At the beginning of the Church Development process the church and her pastor are fully assessed so that the unique needs of the congregation can be addressed and the unique gifts of the congregation can be utilized. The congregation’s view of “Church” and the gospel are intentionally aligned with the Scripture so that the congregation can be what Christ has designed them to be and do what Christ has designed them to do. A biblical vision and a biblical strategy to make that vision a reality over time are intentionally worked out by the congregation. An effective discipleship and leader development pathway is intentionally built so that the church is fulfilling its Great Commission purpose. Intercessory prayer, outreach and evangelism are intentionally sought so that Christ’s kingdom rule and reign is extended throughout the congregation’s local community and beyond.

As you stand at the cusp of 2016, would you like to develop or hone a kingdom intentional process in your church? If you’d like more information about how the Church Development Team might help you, Contact us, or call the Conference Home Office at (651) 739-1474.

"Hello. It's Me."
Serving a Mighty God