“Hello. It’s Me.”

Rob O’Neal, Director of Church Multiplication

Pop superstar Adele rocketed into the record books last fall when fans gobbled up more than 1 million copies of her latest song in one week. “Hello,” begins with a simple tune and the haunting words, “Hello. It’s me.” The opening sounds like the diva who had been absent from the music scene for several years wanted to remind the world that she still exists. If sales are any indication, the public remembers her.

After the iconic beginning, the song continues, “I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet to go over everything…” While the song is about a failed relationship, that’s not where the song hits me. Adele’s words call me, and they speak to us all at the beginning of 2016 if we will let them.

Healthy Pastors
We are dedicated to living out the irreducible core of loving God, loving others, and making disciples. This lifestyle Jesus taught is based on a relationship with God. We are sons and daughters of God; as children of the Father, we are brothers and sisters to one another; our Father, the Great King, sends us as his ambassadors. Our identity comes from our relationship with God. As we begin 2016, God is calling us into a deeper relationship with him.

Adele’s song is all over the radio right now, and every time I hear it begin, I hear God calling to me and to the people I serve, “Hello. It’s me.” God wants time with us this year. In particular, God wants time with me. He wants my love for him to rise out of the rhythm of listening to him, speaking to him, and obeying him. Our congregations will only be as strong as our pastors are. If you are a pastor, God is calling you too to spend time with him.

A Culture of Believing Prayer and Intercession
Prayer is a vital component of any healthy relationship with God. How is your prayer life as we begin 2016? Is it vibrant? missing? perfunctory? God is calling to us all, “I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet to go over everything…” Will your prayer life thrive in 2016 and drive our churches and Conference?

Church Multiplication
God is calling to us, longing to connect with his people. “Hello. It’s me.” As we listen to God, we know what he will be saying; he wants us to multiply. A vibrant connection with God will lead us to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches.
Let’s get started!

Forgotten, Forgiven, Freed
The New Year