Nineveh Network Conference – Join Us in Buffalo
Bryan Long – Director of Church Multiplication
At the Annual Gathering each year, we host our church planting training for those engaging in church multiplication in the conference. In the past, this was mainly by invite only since the content was geared to those starting new works. However, this summer we opted to integrate our registration with the general Annual Gathering registration and offer the training as an add-on to anyone interested. To my surprise, we had over thirty people sign-ups from a variety of backgrounds, ministries, and churches. It was a blessing being able to interact with the wider conference community.
When I spoke at one of the main sessions, I asked the question: “What would it look like for every church and pastor in the conference to engage in church multiplication?” This can look many ways—planting out of your church, giving financially, encouraging, praying, providing administrative support, etc. The possibilities are abundant! God is moving in new ways in the conference, and we want you to be a part of it!
That is why I am so excited to invite you to our 11th annual Nineveh Network Gathering in Buffalo, NY on October 17-19. This event is designed to encourage and connect friends from across the conference as we celebrate what God is doing through church planting. Not only will you meet some of our church planters, but we will also be offering different breakout sessions in areas like blending traditional & contemporary worship music that will culminate in a worship night integrating a large pipe organ at the host site. The chicken wings are also pretty good and there will be an optional Niagara Falls excursion as well. There is something for everyone! So, what’s stopping you?
Register by clicking HERE.