Is Your Church Struggling?

Is your church struggling? God calls the Church the bride of Christ and proclaims that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. He makes us the unstoppable disciple-making engine. Still, many congregations across the United States today find themselves in increasingly difficult positions.

We can help. The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference is here for member churches that find themselves struggling. You are not alone!

There is hope. We have options. We have people who can help you to sort through options. We even have people who can help you live out Jesus’ passion that his people love God, love others, and make disciples.


#1. Directed Development

The Church Development Team can assist your church to strategically reengage your local harvest field using some targeted processes guided by a thorough assessment. With the right leadership and congregational participation, focusing on just a few key areas of ministry and structure uniquely identified for your specific congregation can yield great results. Churches can improve enough to then engage the full developmental process in just a few short years.

#2. Replant

The Church Multiplication Committee can come alongside of you to help define a new season of ministry for your church. We would help you to discern what is best and most relevant about your congregation. Then we would identify a leader who would come alongside you to create a new church with a fresh perspective on ministry for a new day. The new church would carry forward the best of the existing church, but the church planted would be new at the same time. It is possible for the existing congregation to participate in the new church.

#3. Legacy Care

We can help churches whose ministry for the Kingdom is coming to a close. Through a caring process, we provide any needed conflict coaching; we help the church celebrate God’s work through her over her history. We supply an intentional interim pastor to guide the church through her final stages. The Legacy Fund provides for the consolidation and conservation of assets which can then be used to plant new churches and renew others. We help relocate people to other church families where they can continue to worship and grow.

A Turning Point brochure can be downloaded on our website at: Turning Point Initiative – CCCC (

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