Financial Update

The Board of Directors held a quarterly web meeting in October.  The board reviewed the finances for the first three quarters of 2023 at the meeting.  Treasurer, Greg Wilcoxon, reported that giving has remained steady in 2023, running about 4% ahead of the same period for 2022.  However, we are about $124,000 below budgeted giving year-to-date.  This shortfall is expected since we receive about one-half of our giving in the last quarter of the year.  Please prayerfully consider your support of the ministry of the CCCC in the remainder of 2023.

The Stewardship Committee is leading a special effort to increase giving in 2024. The Board has approved the use of legacy funds to support the ministry of our four Regional Pastors.  While giving has increased since 2019, we are about $100,000 per year short of fully funding this ministry.  We are asking our member pastors and churches to prayerfully consider their part in meeting the needs of our ministry.  The 2% Mission Challenge brochure is available to view and download on our website by clicking here.

Models of Unity
The Third "C" in CCCC