We are looking forward to celebrating the 75th anniversary of our Conference at our 2023 Annual Gathering. The event will be held on July 10-13 at the Rivers Edge Convention Center and Best Western Hotel in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The theme for AG 2023 is “Forward Together” and is based upon Romans 15:5-6.

Do you have a seminar that you would like to present at the 2023 Annual Gathering? Applications are now being accepted for seminars that are an important part of our gathering, providing time to share, learn, and gain new concepts in life and ministry. We’re looking to fill two separate sessions of 7 seminars each on Tuesday afternoon and one session of 7 seminars on Wednesday afternoon. Each seminar will last 60 minutes. We welcome seminars that are relevant and practical for a variety of participants and seek topics that range from the historical to the theological to those that center around Christ-centered life and ministry.

If you would like to present something that will equip and edify those attending the gathering in these areas, please request one from the CCCC Office. Applications request the seminar title, a general description, specific “take-aways,” and the general background of the presenter with contact information. Deadline for applications to be sent to the Seminar Coordinator at is March 31, 2023.

All complete applications will be submitted for review and twenty-one will be selected for AG2023.