Northeast Regional Pastor Transition


The Board of Directors confirmed my appointment of Rev. Paul McPheeters of Malden, MA to serve as the Northeast Regional Pastor, beginning on July 1, 2022. Rev. Terry Shanahan announced his plans to retire last Fall. Terry has served in this position for fifteen years. His ministry has led to growth of the CCCC in that region as pastors and churches have joined the Conference. He has also developed new initiatives in the region, such as the development of pastoral communities. We receive Terry’s resignation with regret. We also look forward to a new generation of ministry with Paul serving in this capacity. Terry shared this regarding his retirement:

After much thought and prayer, I want to inform you that I will not be seeking an additional appointment to the position of Northeast Regional Pastor. The Lord has blessed me in mind, body and spirit all these years., and I feel as though I  could take an additional appointment and do an adequate job, but I do not believe God is calling me to do so. It has been such an honor to serve the Conference and to partner in ministry with you and the rest of the staff.

Paul has served as the pastor of the Forestdale Community Church for 39 years. He brings a wealth of experience with the CCCC to this position. He served as the President of the Conference during a time of significant transition. He has served as an Area Pastor in Northeast Massachusetts and has long-term relationships with many of the pastors and
churches in the region. He is active in our work of church multiplication, having chaired the Church Multiplication Committee and coordinating the coaching work of the Church Multiplication Team. Please pray for Terry as he wraps up his ministry in the Northeast and for he and his wife, Karlotta, as they prepare for the next phase of their life. Also pray for Paul and his wife, Nancy, as he concludes his ministry at the Forestdale Community Church and prepare for this new ministry venture.

The Plan
A Message for Easter