Inglesia Nueva Esperanza Reaching Norfolk, NE
Ray DeLaurier, NC Regional Pastor
In 1998, the German Congregational Zion Church of Norfolk, NE added a Spanish speaking ministry led by Pastor Franco. The ministry grew and prospered under Pastor Franco’s leadership. After 30 years of ministry Pastor Franco returned home to take care of his parents and in 2019 the Spanish speaking congregation called Rev. Francisco Perez to be the new pastor. Perez, his wife Jessica, Fermin Jacobo and Marliza Garza form the new leadership team, and the church continues to meet the spiritual needs in Norfolk.
The remnant of the original German congregation left the facility to Iglesia Nueva Esperanza (New Hope Church) which is now the new name of the church and the ongoing ministry there. They have since remodeled a portion of the first level adding Sunday school classrooms, replacing the roof and furnace and repainting the exterior of the church building.
The community of Norfolk (pop. 24,264) has a growing Spanish speaking community and Iglesia Nueva Esperanza is well positioned for gospel ministry. The heart-felt love for Jesus in the congregation and the passionate preaching from Pastor Perez has attracted younger families and it was a blessing to see so many children at the service.
They are very happy to be a part of the CCCC. Please pray for Iglesia Nueva Esperanza and Pastor Perez as the Lord uses them to expand the kingdom of Jesus Christ in Norfolk.