Much to Celebrate
Board of Directors Update
A unifying theme from the recent Board Meetings was the need for a five-year projection plan. What will be the trends and needs of the conference in five years? How do we plan for these needs and trends? This information as gathered, will give us further insight beyond those five years.
1 Chronicles 12 tells a story about men who came to David in his time of need. Their assets are listed to showcase the help David was receiving. One unique asset is listed in verse 32, “from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”
Gathering information and observing trends will largely be accomplished by our newly appointed Regional Pastors. Hearing the reports from the four Regional Pastors of the past six months tells a story of God on the move. The information they reported at our meeting was insightful and gives us another layer of connectivity.
The Board moved to establish more stability to these positions. An approved action for greater stability was changing the volunteer status of the Mid-East Regional Pastor to part-time. Additionally, the Board allocated a portion of the bequest resources to support these positions on a five-year scale with annual decreases to allow for the 2% Shared Life Shared Mission Challenge to provide sustainable giving.
The Stewardship Committee coupled with the Treasurer’s reporting tells the story of the 2% Giving challenge taking hold. New churches coming into the conference are engaging. Churches who share life with the conference are accepting the challenge.
We are living in exciting days as we see cutting edge planning and preparation for future growth. The current size of our conference is suitable to transition as we care for the needs of those who engage in life with us. We are sitting in a front row seat to see life giving, kingdom fruitfulness in our Conference.
Yet I’m also reminded of a passage of scripture in James 4:13-14, “Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
All this planning as the Spirit guides reminds me to keep our eyes fixed on Him as the unknowns are fully known to Him. So, let’s follow His lead as we say “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that” James 4:15.