We Are Excited About God’s Work Among Us And Through Us…
ALVIN HELMS, CCCC Vice President
The current CCCC Leadership Team is excited about the way God is blessing and leading our fellowship these days. Much effort and prayer went into correcting some mistakes of the past and getting our financial position in order. As the CCCC leaders meet, pray, plan and dream together there is an awareness that God is blessing us with the needed resources of time, talent and treasure to keep us on task and moving forward with a vision to plant more churches, assist our current churches and care for our family of faithful pastors, ministers and missionaries. As we have taken steps of faith along the way God has been faithful to provide all that we need to take the next step in our journey together.
As we continue to live out the CCCC Way of Life together (loving God; loving others; and making disciples as we go…) we want to continue to follow God’s leading in our fellowship to be a blessing to more and more communities. During the past seven years we have seen more alignment of all the ministries that help us to accomplish our ministry priorities. The leaders of our Church Development, Church Multiplication and Conference Care work together in a way that is attracting the attention of other denominational leaders. The newly appointed Regional Pastors are now in place to serve our churches and pastors in a way that is already reaping exceptional results. These are exciting times to be part what God is doing among us and through us.
As always, we need your continued prayer, support and financial help to move forward with expanding the reach of our CCCC churches. Our desire is that each member of the CCCC accept the challenge of greater involvement and participation in the work that is before us.
I invite you to join me in celebrating God’s faithfulness to us in this season of our life together and to pray for the CCCC Leadership Team on a regular basis. Thank each one of you for all that you do to serve God; your community and the CCCC!