CM Comments
We are pleased to share that the financial situation of the CCCC is stable and growing. 2018 giving was $7,600 above projections. We ended the year with a surplus of $27,000 due to careful oversight of expenses. The Conference also received a bequest from a member who included the CCCC in her will. These factors make it possible for the CCCC to be fully funded with no internal debt to our restricted funds. The Board of Directors voted in February to establish a cash reserve to cover any cash flow shortages throughout the year.
The strong financial position enables us to resource our ministries of Church Development, Church Multiplication and Conference Care. In addition, the Board of Directors approved the use of part of the surplus funds to stimulate the development of the ministry of Regional Pastors. The faithful support of the members of the Conference sustains our work and helps us move into the future with confidence.
Our leaders are very encouraged by these figures. In her January financial update, Treasurer Sue Drehmel said,
“We begin 2019 ready to expand our regional ministries as presented last year in our vision budget. Thank you for your continued generosity.”
Reflecting on these recent financial reports, President Matt Milligan said,
“The timing of our additional financial freedom is perfect for where we sit in moving forward the mission opportunities that have been developing over the last several years.”
Pete Balentine, chair of the Stewardship Committee says,
“On behalf of the Stewardship Committee, we want to thank every CCCC church who prayed about the 2% mission challenge and gave to the work of our conference in 2018. These churches understand that giving is not paying denominational dues. Rather, it is mission giving to help grow healthy, disciple-making churches across America. The big vision ahead is to fund regional pastors. We have already seen the benefit Terry Shanahan has brought to New England. Now as a Conference, we seek to fund additional regional pastors for the Mideast, North Central, and West of our country. I am confident God will provide as we all step out in faith!”