CM Comments
Shared Life and Shared Ministry
The Stewardship Committee introduced a new effort to develop resources to support the ministry of the CCCC at the recent Annual Gathering. The theme of this effort aligns with our guiding value of Shared Life and Shared Mission. Peter Balentine, chair of the Stewardship Committee, presented this effort with an appeal to view the ministry of our fellowship as a mission and to support the CCCC through the Mission budget.
The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference was formed to support the mission of member churches and pastors. The purpose of our ministry is clear.
- To promote the worship of God in our churches.
- To deepen and extend the fellowship of our churches.
- To encourage a steadfast, Biblical witness by our churches.
- To facilitate cooperation and counsel among our churches with regard to evangelism, edification, Christian education, stewardship, missions, church extension, Christian action, women’s and men’s fellowships, youth activities, the pastoral ministry, and other related concerns.
- To preserve and promote the Scriptural principles of the autonomy of the local church and the freedom of the believer in Christ.
The executive of the Conference was called “Missionary at Large” from 1959 – 1973. I believe that there was wisdom in renaming this office to Conference Minister. However, it does not change the spirit of the office. The leadership of the Conference exists to serve the membership and promote the mission of the local church under the guidance of faithful pastors and leaders.
The mission of the church is supported and equipped through our ministry priorities of Church Development, Church Multiplication and Conference Care. We are working to equip churches to be healthy disciple-making churches. We are active in starting new churches that extend the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ through evangelism and discipleship. We care for our pastors and churches to keep them healthy and active in Christ’s work.
Rev. Nick Granitsas, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Revere, Massachusetts is quoted in the stewardship brochure.
“We have been blessed to be part of the CCCC for the past 49 years! As a member church, we are able to multiply our ministry and do things that we could not do alone: church development, church multiplication, offering care for church and ministers in need, and endorsement of chaplains.”
I encourage you to pray for the mission of the CCCC and to actively support our ministry. Financial support of our Conference should not be viewed as “dues.” In contrast, these gifts should be viewed as an investment in the mission of the church.