Pray Together Sunday July 8th
Sponsored by the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), Pray Together Sunday is a simple opportunity for churches to join with other churches across the country asking God for spiritual renewal. Together we will lift our voices on behalf of our communities and nation. Members and churches of the CCCC are encouraged to participate in this prayer effort as we affirm our guiding value of “a culture of believing prayer and intercession.”
Additionally, please consider spreading the word about Pray Together Sunday with your friends, contacts, and in your communities. Churches can register and find resources — including bulletin inserts — for the third annual Pray Together Sunday at Radio spots in English and Spanish will also be available.
Some ways you can help:
1. Email the link ( and brief description to your churches and contacts.
2.` Share on your personal and/or organizational social media accounts.
3. Encourage the church you attend to participate and invite other churches in your town to do the same.
(Note: Graphics and other resources are available at when you register to participate.)
Let’s join with churches in worship services across the country and across denominational lines on July 8th for a time of prayer for spiritual renewal in our communities and in our country. We will look forward to what God will do as we humble ourselves and pray.