“Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost”
Recently I was privileged to represent the CCCC at Vision New England’s GO Conference. This is the beginning of a renewed effort to provide a venue here in New England for encouragement, teaching, fellowship and disciple-making on large sale. People gathered in Hartford, CT from all areas of the region and all types of ministry settings to worship the one true God. The same God, the only God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
As we heard from our speakers, we saw God at work in numerous ways. Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative works with death row inmates. In his testimony he told us how God the Father lead him to this ministry and defined his work and calling. Bryan said “Christians, more than any other tribe should understand the power of mercy, since God in His mercy has acted on our behalf in the midst of our guilt.” We were invited to ask ourselves, “Why would God decide that a love of mercy would be of the highest order for His people?” God the Father loves His children and desires they show mercy to one another. God the Father loved us in such a way that he sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins.
We also heard from Carl Medeiros whose call to serve Christ is peacemaking in the Middle East. Carl talked about how he shares the story of Jesus of Nazareth with people groups in the Middle East to promote peacemaking and reconciliation. He spoke of the power Jesus has in that place to make a difference. The mention and discussion of Christianity he said, is often a closed door, but the story of the Son of God who came to die for our sins, that was a story people wanted to hear. Jesus changed the world 2000 years ago and continues to change the world today. Even in such places as the Middle East. No place is too difficult for Him.
Near the end of May I was able to attend a gathering of Pastors in New Hampshire where Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church spoke with us. The church has an interesting story of growth by conversion. Jim told us story after story about how the Holy Spirit has worked in his church to bring the lost to Christ. He spoke of how the presence of the Holy Spirit often comes over the congregation in powerful ways. He encouraged us to be prepared for the Holy Spirit to move in unexpected ways and to be careful not to stifle His presence in any way.
These are just three recent examples of how God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are coming alongside, and leading us in the Kingdom work we share.
In the CCCC We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is one God, we see him evident in our lives each day. We know him and experience Him as Father, Son and Spirit. Praise Him that he exists for us in every way we need Him.