Board of Directors Update


What an incredible time we enjoyed watching God move in our midst. So many things to share as God’s hand in our Conference is so evident. As I reflect on the time the Board was together. I’m reminded of Titus 3-8.

On Monday night the board began by taking a test. Each was challenged to recall from memory the 3P’s of the CCCC. I challenge you to take the same test. Take out a sheet of paper and see how well you do recalling these God given directives. I’ll give you the 3Ps and a hint for each. Our Passion (this is based on Christ’s Passion, we list three essentials), our priorities (again there are 3 and the hint is that we have staffed to these three areas) and our pathway, the Seven Guiding Values (the hint here is the first one is communication with God through Christ).

A major new development was the appointment of Rev. Cliff Christensen to the position of Area Pastor in the north central area, a region including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas. The board was excited to hear Cliff share his enthusiasm for the 3P’s of the CCCC and how God is leading him to this position as a continuation of his efforts with the CCCC. The Board has seen much fruit from the work of Rev. Carlton Walker and Rev. Terry Shanahan’s work as Area Pastor in the New England. We anticipate similar Kingdom fruitfulness as Cliff assumes a similar role in this region. At this season of Cliff and Carol’s life the only expense to the conference will be to cover expenses. If you share in the excitement of God’s leading in Cliff and Carol’s life please prayerfully consider sending a gift to the office to help cover this works expense.

We rejoiced to learn that God provided through His people as we received the final financial reports from 2015. With the faithful support from member churches and individuals and close monitoring of expenses we were able to pay ourselves back over $57,000.00 in 2015. While this is a huge blessing we will need to follow this very conservative spending trend for the next few years in order to completely pay ourselves back. Please continue to pray that God would grant wisdom as we look for ways to pay this back in a shorter time period.

Annual Gathering 2016 was discussed as we heard exciting reports of God’s faithfulness. We have been praying that God would make it possible for many delegates to attend AG2016 in Carlsbad Ca. We know that traditionally many delegates can’t attend due to higher West Coast costs. Yet we rejoice to report that God is helping many delegates with expected expenses and many are anticipating attending the Annual Gathering. God has provided some delegates with additional church support or has given them unexpected income. We learned of yet another group that has given financially to provided for meals to all the delegates. We are now able to include with your registration and stay at the hotel all nine meals from Tuesday dinner until Friday lunch. This alone will save delegates valuable resources and time. Praise God for His faithfulness. We continue to pray that God will make funds available to our delegates so they can experience firsthand all He is doing and wants to do through the CCCC.

Not only was the Board blessed to hear of God’s faithfulness to the Conference and His moving in the hearts of member Churches and individuals across America, we were equally blessed to hear of His work across the globe. 2016 was our turn as a Conference to host the Triennial gathering of WECF (World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship) delegates. The CCCC belongs to WECF as one of seventeen national member groups. We are blessed to share a common foundation in a loving Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We are equally blessed to share a common foundation of congregational polity. We heard reports of God’s move around our globe. Delegates from all backgrounds shared in the unity of the same Spirit. It was a small glimpse of an eternal picture as we adored the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are blessed to have fellowship with people of like mind and polity around the globe.

As we move through 2016 anticipating our time together as delegates at AG 2016 in Carlsbad, my prayer for the CCCC is that we would have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit says to the body of the CCCC. That His specifications would be met with the resources He has and will provide. God is before us and is leading. He has always been and will always be faithful. Oh that we would live in faithfulness to our King. May God be praised!

WECF World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship