NAE Financial Health Courses

Pete Ballentine – Vice President

A pastor and his or her personal finances — quite a difficult challenge to combine at times, isn’t it?  I remember early on in my life as a pastor, with four young kids, a stay-at-home wife, and living in a wealthy area — it was not easy to make ends meet.    And now, with two still in college, getting closer to retirement, and recently widowed – I have a new set of challenges.   As pastors, we need wisdom regarding personal finances throughout our lives.

That is why I am so thankful for the courses offered through the National Association of Evangelicals and our CCCC.   I recently took the course, Bless Your Finances, a one-session video course available at (Online Resources tab).  The instructor, Brian Kluth, is a veteran pastor who is very engaging.   The best part is his overview of the 10 ways God provides for pastors – including extra income, unexpected cash, people’s help, needed items, evaluating expenses, decluttering, stored up resources, external resources, and miraculous provisions.  In reviewing them, I realize how God over the years has provided many of these ways to help me and my family make it financially in the pastoral ministry.  Praise God!

I highly recommend this course to anyone.  Much of this was a review for me.  But Brian has you take an assessment survey to note which areas need attention.  I came up needing to focus more on retirement planning and also adding extra income.   Brian includes tons of external resources to help you in these growth areas.   So much helpful information, check it out!

The Third "C" in CCCC
Modern Day Pilgrims: The History of the CCCC