Keeping in Touch with our Membership
The annual Ministerial Questionnaires and Church Surveys have been mailed. It is important for every member minister and church to respond to ensure that our contact information is up-to-date and that everyone restates their desire to remain engaged with the Conference. We ask that everyone returns their information by December 15th.
The written response to questionnaires and surveys is only one expression of our desire to stay in touch with members of the CCCC. Member Ministers and Consecrated Christian Workers are asked to restate their commitment to our Statement of Faith and Statement of Polity when they respond. Every minister is also asked to make an annual contribution to the Conference. This also provides an opportunity for ministers to provide an update on their life and ministry. While most of the responses are “nothing has changed,” occasionally pastors state that there is significant change that needs our attention.
In a similar way, member churches are asked to restate their commitment to the CCCC Statement of Faith and Statement of Polity. Churches also provide updated information of the church leadership, budget and ministry plans. Just as with pastors who mostly respond, “nothing has changed,” churches also alert us of significant things in the process of filling out the surveys. Additionally, while many churches contribute to the Conference on a monthly or quarterly basis, the survey includes a request for an annual gift.
We are also working to increase the contact with our membership through our ministry of Conference Care. Recent Community Pastor training has initiated gatherings of member pastors in local areas. There are many encouraging stories from pastoral communities that are active. Pastors are spending time together to share life, ministry ideas and times of prayer. The appointment of Regional Pastors has also opened the door to increased contact with our membership. To many in the CCCC, the face of the Conference is a Regional Pastor: Terry Shanahan, Northeast; Tim Dubeau, Mideast; Ray DeLaurier, North Central; or Phil Noordmans, West.
Communication is a two-way process. The CCCC has stepped up its work in communicating with our membership. We ask that every member is faithful in doing their part to be active in the life of the Conference. The responses to the questionnaires and surveys are critical. Active participation in local, regional and national activities is also important. Our value of Shared Life and Shared Mission can only be realized as we work together to increase our fellowship and common devotion to the work of our Lord Jesus.