Celebrating in Carlsbad


A single word or phrase seems inadequate to capture the heart of what is happening between Carlsbad Community Church (CCC) and Rancho del Rey (RdR) Church in Southern California. Demographically our union could be described as an older congregation coming together with a younger congregation. Financially our united venture could be characterized as a lot with a little less. [We] think it is most appropriately defined by peace in the body of Christ.

Fourteen years ago, RdR was born out of CCC, and there was honestly some “bad blood.” Leadership squabbles and a lack of Christian maturity created a division with a sugar-coated name; a church plant. Over the course of twelve years we found our two fellowships ministering on the same street. In 2014 RdR was forced out of the elementary school due to a construction project and one of the only spaces available for worship was the CCC Sanctuary. It took over a decade, but great pride was slayed on both sides and God’s reconciling power was at work in greater ways than we imagined.

January 7, 2018 [was] the launch of a new 93-year-old united fellowship; Carlsbad Community Church. RdR gave up their name and CCC made room for new leadership. As a matter of fact both sides gave up a lot for one another. We don’t have it all figured out, but our commonality in Christ is enough for peace.

Sunday, January 7th 2018 was a wonderful day of Celebration as Carlsbad Community Church and Rancho Del Rey Church celebrated their first Sunday as one new church with two different services. The merge of the two churches is going well. Over 600 people attended the worship service and enjoyed a shared meal and time of joyful fellowship following the worship service.

Our renewed vision going forward is: “Transforming individuals and communities through grace-based relationships rooted in Jesus.” We are committed to the following shared values as one new church going forward: Christ-Saturated; Biblical Authority; Grace-Based Relationships; Our Stories Matter; Intergenerational By Design and On Mission. Pastor Alvin Helms and Pastor JC Cooper are sharing the teaching and leading duties for the church. We are still learning as we move forward together but we have seen God’s hand of blessing and providence on this merge of two different churches. Leaders from other churches have contacted us about what we have learned through this experience.

Please keep us in your prayers as we take this new journey together.

Reformed Congregational Fellowship Conference
God's Story for the CCCC