OUTCOMES – Board of Directors Meeting February 2017


A rural church in western Pennsylvania called an emergency meeting. The roof had been leaking for years and water damage over time had now eroded the structure. The capital campaign only raised about half of the funds needed to repair the roof.
One of the patriarchs of the church, now residing in a local nursing home, made a great effort to attend the emergency meeting. Many of the usual members were surprised to see him, but what a boost to have him there in person! Hopeful thoughts became rumors that he might gift the church with a portion of his legacy to completely fund the roof repair. What he brought instead was a much needed change of perspective, and a clue to where the needed funds already resided on the church property.

The first order of business was to secure a location for Sunday’s worship service as the building was now condemned. The later discussion was to figure out what to do with the damaged church building.

The patriarch shared his experiences of life in the fellowship of that church over the years. His final story was that of his grandfather who many years ago planted white oaks on the side lawn. Over the years the trees had shaded many picnic lunches. Every twenty to thirty years someone would organize a work party to clear out the shag brush under the oak grove so that the trees would remain strong and flourish. The clearing parties had successfully allowed the oaks to mature. Now they were ready to be used. You see the parishioner’s grandfather knew many years ago the day of roof repair would come, and that materials would need to be ready to help this church along.

We as a Board spent a few days working on “clearing the brush” to allow ministry from many decades ago continue to mature and blossom. We spent time seeking the face of God for wisdom and guidance. We heard reports of how God is working in our three Ministry Priorities. We heard how the Regional Ministers have been supporting the churches and pastors. We heard how the office staff have been stewards of the things entrusted into the Conference’s care.

We worked on the Biblical Marriage Position Paper. The work done was in effort to help our conference and membership concisely articulate how God views marriage. We want to make sure our work is thoroughly vetted and will now send the paper on to a theologian as due process continues.
God used faithful servants in the past to help shape the CCCC. Over the last few years we have seen God provide a clear course of continued work based on minstry He began many years ago. We continue to ask for eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit says to this Conference through commands that are clearly expressed to us in His Word, and we pray for diligence to keep the brush cleared away that the trees of long standing ministry in and through us may thrive.

God Stirring in 2017
Fellowship in Unity