Former Conference Minister Installed at Church of the Apostles


On Saturday, October 1, 2016, a large crowd gathered in Coventry Rhode Island to welcome Helen and Steve Gammon back to New England. The Church of the Apostles has called Rev Dr. Stephen Gammon, our former Conference Minister, to be their Superintendent and Bishop. On Saturday in a truly Anglican fashion, this congregational church installed Rev Dr Gammon into the office. The Installation was led by the Presiding Elder, Rev Mark Galloway, Bishop retired, Ranking Elder, Rev Robert Geoffrey, and Elder Rev Blessing Jacobs. The Installation Sermon as given by Rev Terry Shanahan, Northeast Regional Pastor for the CCCC.  During the service, Dr Gammon was presented with a Pectoral Cross, a Bible, a Staff and a plaque with his Installation vows inscribed.

While the congregation of the church was there to celebrate, many CCCC pastors attended and brought their good wishes to Steve and Helen. For many of us, it was like a class reunion, as we have ministered and fellowshipped with the Gammons for over 20 years. Sharing good wishes were   Rev Steve Burkett, Area Representative in Massachusetts and pastor in Chelmsford, MA, Rev Bob Burnock, pastor in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Rev Jim Beesley pastor in Windham, Connecticut, Rev Tim Dubeau, CCCC Board of Directors and pastor in Salem, Connecticut, Rev Paul McPheeters, former Conference President, and pastor in Malden, Massachusetts to mention a few, Other area clergy also offered good wishes. as well. Since Steve and Helen had started their ministry in Rhode Island there were also people there from their first ministry.

After the ceremony we gathered to break bread, and fellowship. Many commented that the service was a very meaningful and refreshing time of worship for them as we listened to the words of the Scriptures, the hymns, and the Litany for Consecration.
Since the Church of the Aposltes first joined the CCCC, we have been excited to co-labor with them in the work in New England. Now as we open a new chapter in our relationship we look forward to continuing that partnership.

It was a great day in the life of the church universal, and in the life of this church in particular!

Highlights and Happy Days
God at Work in the Northeast